Thursday, 6 March 2008

"The passing of time & all it's sickening crimes is making you sad again"

I turned 38 the other week.
I'm not happy, I tell thee.

It's funny the ways that the relentless passing of time manifests itself. And it's not just the physical side of things; the daily appearance of another rogue grey hair, the fact that I have to stick scissors up my nostrils because I have horrible little hairs trying to poke out of my nose or the involuntary groans I make when doing anything remotely strenuous, like getting off the sofa. (Which by the way, I hate. It's the most useless sofa that's ever had the audacity to call itself a soft furnishing. I rue the day I bought the bloody thing).
No, things irk me these days. Some of them may well have always got on my thrupennies but my irritation seems more pronounced here in 2008.
It's only a matter of time before I'm invited to be a talking head on Grumpy old men.

Here's a selection of my moans:

  • On the telly, is it really necessary to have the volume of the adverts 18 decibels louder than the actual programme? Did the TV companies strike a deal with Duracell to ensure we all use our remote controls every 12 minutes turning the bloody sound up & down. We should be told.

  • Speaking of the telly, I am forever announcing that “In my day we only had 3 bloody channels, so consider yourself lucky”

  • Now that I work with teenagers, I am often subjected to their “music”. Now I realise that I probably sound like my dad, but some of it is truly awful. Why are the vocals speeded up so much? In my day, Pinky & Perky did that & it was for novelty value aimed at small children. Now the youth like that? Pur-lease!

  • I find myself saying “In my day” with alarming regularity & it makes me want to set myself on fire.

  • See also; You don't know you're born.

  • I'm genuinely troubled by that fact that I find Clare off Eastenders (A woman in her early 20's) incredibly sexy to the point where I'd like to do unspeakable things to her, yet I clearly remember her as the sweet little daughter of Nigel years ago.

  • I sometimes find the exuberance of my mid 20's colleagues tiresome. Jealous? You bet!

  • Cliché alert! Police officers are, by & large, younger than I.

  • Don't get me started on the way youngsters speak these days. . “That's bear dread”, “Timbaland's sick” (poor fella) & “we'll get the bus, innit”. INNIT??!! What the bloody hell do you mean “Innit”? It just doesn't make sense & you sound like a retard.

  • The very idea of setting foot in a nightclub fills me with dread. (See kids, that's the correct use of the word “dread”)

  • Crap films piss me off. In the past I'd just say “that was a crap film” whereas now I feel like I've been cheated out of two hours of my life that I'll never get back. I went to see “Jumper” the other week. It was crap. Nice idea, crap film. Now this is more to do with being a parent than simply getting old; The film was certificated 12 & I thought that it would be OK to take my 8 year old son, after all; the Spiderman, Lord of the Rings & X-men movies are all 12's & I wouldn't dream of preventing him from seeing those. Anyway halfway through it one of the characters tells the other to “fuck off”! In a 12! I couldn't believe my ears. My lad turned to me in shock & looked at me as if to say “I know I shouldn't have heard that, Dad”. 12 my arse!

  • “Don't look back in anger”, “Creep” & “Everybody hurts” are considered “Golden oldies”.
    No! “Bohemian Rhapsody” and “Ticket to ride” are bloody oldies.

Anyway, you get the point.
A friend of mine who has recently turned 40 told me that she sees life at 40 thus; Everything wonderful, eventful & exciting is mostly behind you while the future is a slow decline into nothingness, illness & hearing of people you know dying. I hope she was joking.
I don't see it that way yet, I'm hanging on to the hope that life has many joys ahead.
I'm not conceding defeat yet, innit?

Friday, 29 February 2008

"Allow me to introduce myself"


My name is Flash & I'm a blogaholic.

I tried to quit, I have really tried hard to abstain but it gnawed away at me.
I would lie there in bed at night composing posts about the day that had just passed. I would see a movie & immediately start reviewing it in my head for the benefit of nobody in particular. I'd have random thoughts & careless memories that I wanted to share with the world. I'd hear a lyric & think "Ooh, that would make a good post title if I was blogging about my first car". I would wistfully think back to a time when all it took were a few comments to brighten my day.
Throughout all these mental ticks & spasms, I stayed resolute. I was free from the shackles of the blog & I was strong enough to keep it that way. On top of all this I was unable to get online, no connection at home & no connection at work;virtual rehab. The sherry cupboard was well and truly locked & I was kept at a safe distance from temptation.

How quickly it all unravelled.
Work got the broadband back on.
At first I just had a look, like a smoker who is trying to kick the habit would stand with the smokers outside the pub. I got too close, I could smell it. Then I thought it would be harmless enough if I just left a comment or two here & there. "No, really I'm just going to have a couple of drags, that's all"
And now here I am opening a full pack of 20 & smoking like a trooper sat upon a chimney.
Figuratively speaking.

In other words; I'M BACK! BACK! YES, YES, BACK!!!

Now I do realise that you may well be reading this thinking "Back? I didn't even know you'd gone! Who the hell are you anyway?"
Well, let me tell you who the hell I am...

I'm Flash.
I'm 38 years old & my hair is waging a slow yet relentless two-pronged assault on my dignity.
I live in the quintessential crap little town in the middle of England, though I was born & raised in Wakefield, West Yorkshire. (Actually I was born in Doncaster)
I have an eight year old son whom I could not love more if I tried.
I work in a Children's care home & I've never been so happy in all my working life as I am now.
I have a lovely girlfriend who I have been with for 2 and a half years.
I drive a P reg, silver Ford Escort which has recently started rattling.
I am perpetually shit with money, as if cursed at a young age to eternal near-destitution.
I am rabidly passionate about music & consider myself to be a reasonably talented singer/songwriter.
I always title my posts with lyrics from songs, today's is taken from "The clown prince of misery"; track 8 on my recently "released" album, "Backlash", which I will no doubt shamelessly plug in forthcoming posts.
I have developed a love for travel over recent years & part of my heart remains in the wonderful French city of Lyon.
I also love football & my team is Leeds United.
I adore Star Wars & Star Trek but that doesn't make me a geek.
I have learned some hard lessons from previous blogs and will no longer be writing about my personal life in any kind of detail. (For those of you who know what has gone on over the last few years, may I just tell you that all appears to be well with my friends, to the point where I have been asked to be best man at their nuptials later this year. I KNOW!!!)

Now I could go on & on but no amount of listmaking will get across this simple fact...
I'm ace, me!

And I'm BACK!